It's become apparent that we crucially need data on how many people fall into each ''crack'' in the government's financial support schemes. We've launched some functionality on The Talent Manager to help do this. All you need to do is click the link relevant to you so we can provide Rishi Sunak with some hard facts. (It's the Treasury, people; they like numbers!)
All data will be anonymous, but will help us lobby more effectively. It also means we can provide you with info and updates relevant to your specific situation.
If we've missed your category, please email - and we'll create another link.
1] I was working on a PAYE fixed term contract (with or without the paperwork) ON 28th February, and my company has agreed to furlough me for the maximum term (3 months) Click here
2] I was on a fixed term contract ON THE 28th February, paid PAYE, and the contract was SUBSEQUENTLY CUT SHORT as a result of Covid 19. Click here
3] I was on a fixed term contract on the 28th February, paid PAYE, and the contract came to a NATURAL END (ie the term of the contract finished) sometime afterwards Click here
4] I was on a fixed term PAYE contract which ENDED BEFORE the 28th February, but I was paid on the company payroll at the end of February Click here
5] I was a DAILY who worked on the 28th February, and was paid PAYE. Click here
6] I wasn't on payroll in February but had a confirmed (in writing - either email or a formal contract) PAYE job that had STARTED ON OR AFTER 1st March, and was then cut short by Covid-19. Click here
7] I wasn't on the payroll in February but had a CONFIRMED (in writing - either email or a formal contract) PAYE job that was due to start at some future date but has now been cancelled/ postponed Click here
8] I am STILL WORKING and expect to work for at least the next 3 months. Click here
9] I was on a fixed term PAYE contract which ENDED BEFORE the 28th February and I WASN'T on the payroll at the end of February. Click here
(and not on one of the PAYE categories above)
1] I work as a Self-Employed person (Sole Trader), and I believe I WILL BE ELIGIBLE to claim under the Chancellor's Covid-19 Self-Employment Income Support Scheme Click here
2] I work on a mix of PAYE FTC and self-assessment (Schedule D). I was not under contract on 28th February but my Self Employed income is LESS THAN 50% of my total Click here
3] In any of the 3 tax years applicable, I did not work for a significant proportion of a tax year due to, eg, maternity or sick leave, or starting my self-employed status Click here
4] I'm NEW TO SELF-EMPLOYMENT and started only after April 2019, so have not yet submitted a self-assessment tax return. Click here
5] My 'profits' (ie turnover/ earnings minus allowable expenses before tax) as a Self-Employed person, averaged over the last 3 years, are MORE THAN £49,999 per annum. Click here
(I sell my services through a Personal Services/ Limited Company)
1] I take a minimal PAYE salary each year (less than £11,000 a year) and receive most of my remuneration in DIVIDENDS. Click here
2] I can FURLOUGH MYSELF and will have enough to live on. Click here
If you can also take part in an initiative going on Monday 6th which we hope will humanise the pressure, and involves sending photos & work credits of over a thousand of you (see example below) please click here to give your additional consent. Lets show the chancellor the real people behind the statistics. We won't be able to add you without this.
If you change your mind and want to remove yourself from these lists, you can do so at any time by emailing