SMTJ are delighted to announce the launch of our new career progression training programme, Share the Next Step to Series Producer - specifically aimed at... Read more
SMTJ are delighted to announce the launch of our new career progression training programme, Share the Next Step to Series Producer - specifically aimed at freelance women looking to make the step up to Series Producer as a job-share.

The programme has been funded by the Screen Industries Growth Network (SIGN) and is supported by Screenskills. For the first 12 months, Share the Next Step to Series Producer will run as a pilot. There is no specific deadline for applications. Job-share pairs can apply throughout the year in accordance with their availability. Over the next 12 months we will place 10 job-share pairs into Series Producing roles across the UK.

We are holding a webinar and networking event for Share the Next Step to SP on Thursday 10th March from 8pm – 9.30pm. There, you’ll be able to meet other experienced Producers you can potentially pair up with during our informal networking session and ask any questions you may have about the programme.

To pre-register for the event, please go to: