As a dedicated and skilled Animation Production Specialist, I bring a wealth of experience and expertise to every project I undertake. With a solid foundation built over years of collaboration with the Irish Film Board, I have honed my abilities in various aspects of filmmaking and animation production.
My key competencies include:
Read MoreAs a dedicated and skilled Animation Production Specialist, I bring a wealth of experience and expertise to every project I undertake. With a solid foundation built over years of collaboration with the Irish Film Board, I have honed my abilities in various aspects of filmmaking and animation production.
My key competencies include:
Budget Creation and Management: Adept at crafting and overseeing budgets to ensure projects stay within financial parameters without compromising on quality.
Asset Delivery: Proficient in managing and delivering assets in a timely and organized manner.
Proposal Development: Skilled in creating compelling proposals that effectively communicate project vision and secure necessary approvals and funding.
Scheduling: Experienced in developing and maintaining detailed schedules to ensure timely project completion.
Adobe Suite Proficiency: Expert user of Adobe Creative Suite, leveraging its tools for various production needs.
Document Preparation: Capable of preparing comprehensive internal documents to support production processes.
Script and Talent Coordination: Efficient in coordinating scripts and managing talent to ensure seamless production workflows.
My passion for filmmaking and animation is matched by my commitment to operational excellence and creative innovation. I thrive in dynamic environments and am always eager to bring stories to life through meticulous planning and execution.
Online Portfolio:
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