James is a Writer and Screenwriter who, in August 2023, was selected to take part in Torino Film Festival’s TFL NEXT TV Series Lab 2023, to develop his TV series Finding Joy, a dramedy which explores themes such as age, sex, class and race in post-Brexit UK. In September 2023, he also completed a Sundance Collab under the guidance of The Wire...
Read MoreJames is a Writer and Screenwriter who, in August 2023, was selected to take part in Torino Film Festival’s TFL NEXT TV Series Lab 2023, to develop his TV series Finding Joy, a dramedy which explores themes such as age, sex, class and race in post-Brexit UK. In September 2023, he also completed a Sundance Collab under the guidance of The Wire director/screenwriter Joy Kecken, and in 2022, he wrote a short film, Home, which was officially selected for the 2023 British Urban Film Festival and for The Best Film Awards 2023 in two categories: ‘Best Short Film Award’ and ‘Best Indie Film Award’).
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