Alan Bradley is an Irish director working primarily in documentary as well as commercials and television drama. Alan is the youngest director to hold a prime time RTÉ One documentary slot.In 2020, Alan directed and produced hit RTÉ One documentary ‘Seán’, exploring the life of the legendary GAA manager Seán Boylan. The film received criti...
Read MoreAlan Bradley is an Irish director working primarily in documentary as well as commercials and television drama. Alan is the youngest director to hold a prime time RTÉ One documentary slot.In 2020, Alan directed and produced hit RTÉ One documentary ‘Seán’, exploring the life of the legendary GAA manager Seán Boylan. The film received critical acclaim as well as being the most watched documentary on Irish television during the month it aired.In 2021, Alan worked with Alleycats TV to direct and produce ‘Unspoken’, a landmark documentary for RTÉ One exploring the hidden issue of men living with eating disorders in Ireland.
Alan has recently directed ‘Sidhe: A Fable of a Ditherer’ written by Oliver Doone, starring Mary McEvoy (Glenroe / Extra Ordinary) and Sam McGovern (Michael Inside / Striking Out).Alan also has experience working in development, developing documentary ideas for all the major broadcasters.
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