My name is Tei Richards, and I am an animator, aspiring story artist, experimental filmmaker, and illustrator based in Bristol, UK. I specialise in 2D digital and traditional animation, with an interest in branching into stop-motion. I have recently completed my film, "Self Portrait," a 2D animated film about a gallery visitor being pulled into a s...
Read MoreMy name is Tei Richards, and I am an animator, aspiring story artist, experimental filmmaker, and illustrator based in Bristol, UK. I specialise in 2D digital and traditional animation, with an interest in branching into stop-motion. I have recently completed my film, "Self Portrait," a 2D animated film about a gallery visitor being pulled into a strange dimension by his own abstracted self portrait. Alongside animation and illustration, I have a great interest in printmaking and collage, and aim to explore these mediums through the lens of experimental animation. I aspire to one day create short and feature films and cartoons independently using experimental mediums.
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