Nina Bhalla is a Writer and Directed and has created and co-produced three drama based short films independently: The Booth, Tour Guide and Knockdown; which was filmed entirely during lockdown. Nina’s films are predominantly based on the impact on mental wellbeing when it comes to online dating and coping during lockdown. Nina works as a Marketin...
Read MoreNina Bhalla is a Writer and Directed and has created and co-produced three drama based short films independently: The Booth, Tour Guide and Knockdown; which was filmed entirely during lockdown. Nina’s films are predominantly based on the impact on mental wellbeing when it comes to online dating and coping during lockdown. Nina works as a Marketing and Communications Manager for Women in Film & TV (WFTV UK) and volunteers as a Marketing Manager for Asian Woman Festival – both with the aim to lobby for women’s rights.Nina is currently working on a documentary close to her heart, Asian Girl Enigma, where five South Asian females will narrate their story about social injustice around their life choices and the impact on their mental wellbeing. Nina aims to complete filming Asian Girl Enigma in 2020.
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