Production Designer working in Film, Animation, Commercials and Drama-Documentary. Designed his first £1M+ Budgeted feature film at the age of 25. Winner Grimm Up North Festival 2009 Best Production Design: 13 Hrs. Nominated Raindance Best Picture 2016: God's Acre. Nominated BAFTA Specialist Factual/Winner RTS Programme Awards 2018 - History: Que...
Read MoreProduction Designer working in Film, Animation, Commercials and Drama-Documentary. Designed his first £1M+ Budgeted feature film at the age of 25. Winner Grimm Up North Festival 2009 Best Production Design: 13 Hrs. Nominated Raindance Best Picture 2016: God's Acre. Nominated BAFTA Specialist Factual/Winner RTS Programme Awards 2018 - History: Queen Elizabeth's Secret Agents.
In 10 years of professional work, I've built spaceships, longhalls, throne rooms, seedy motels, torture chambers, stately homes, jet fighter cockpits and everything in between, as well as furnishing them with arms and armour from past, present, future, and provided fabrications and FX to major Hollywood features.
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