After leading the renowned Scottish Documentary Institute (2013-20) and its production arm, SDI Productions (2007-2020), making many award-winning films, and putting Scottish documentaries on the map, I set up Sonja Henrici Creates Ltd in order to focus on my own writing, and producing films with flexibility, ambition and scale - in collaboration w...
Read MoreAfter leading the renowned Scottish Documentary Institute (2013-20) and its production arm, SDI Productions (2007-2020), making many award-winning films, and putting Scottish documentaries on the map, I set up Sonja Henrici Creates Ltd in order to focus on my own writing, and producing films with flexibility, ambition and scale - in collaboration with various partners and companies. I enjoy working with new and established talent worldwide from my base in Edinburgh.I'm an international BAFTA nominated producer of multiple international feature documentaries: TIME TRIAL, a film with ex-cyclist David Millar (world premiere, IDFA 2017, SXSW, BBC); BECOMING ANIMAL (CPH DOX/EIFF 2018); the multiple award-winning DONKEYOTE (2017) (BAFTA Scotland nomination: Best Feature 2017; EIFF Best Feature Documentary, Festival Malaga Audience Award); SEVEN SONGS FOR A LONG LIFE (SXSW 2016, POV); FUTURE MY LOVE (2012) (nominated for the Michael Powell Award for Best British Feature; Green Dox Award) and "One of the year's most moving films." (Hollywood Reporter): I AM BREATHING (2013). She also exec-produced FREEDOM FIELDS (TIFF 2018), NAE PASARAN, PABLO'S WINTER and WHERE YOU'RE MEANT TO BE, and more than 50 short documentaries.I have co-produced with the USA, Germany, Sweden, Denmark, and Switzerland. My films have screened across festivals, cinema, TV, VOD, and DVD, on all continents, in over 60 countries.I was born and raised in Bavaria, Germany, and moved to Britain in 1994 to study at Sussex University, where I became involved in filmmaking. I am a member of AMPAS, BAFTA and PACT.
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