Dear Sir or MadamMy name is John Mader and I am a Producer that has worked in every form of the media industry in one way or another for over 20 years.Now that COVID Safety Regulations have been agreed upon with the guilds projects will begin moving ahead again.I have done everything from reality TV to medium budget features up to multi-million dollar an episode/week scripted network TV shows costing over a hundred million a season. And during that time I have worked in every position on a project above and below the line as well as in front and behind the camera.I have produced 2 separate shows for 2 separate studios/networks at the same time, managing over 200 cast and crew, servicing each of the key players involved and each studio/network and their unique protocols and needs, often with the projects being completely different genres IE 1 single camera location show and 1 multi camera audience show at the same time.Shooting 2 separate multi cam shows at the same time I have had to shoot 1 epi for 1 studio on Monday/Tuesday while cross boarding 2 separate episodes for an entirely different studio then shoot them that same week on location Wednesday and the first half of Thursday to get the crew back on the lot to shoot on stage the second half of Thursday and all day Friday. Taking what would have been 4 days of shooting and making it 3. Of course I split the crew and the gear between the studios so that both saved money.I have spent several months shooting reality on the ocean and in jungle swamps in foreign countries with a crew of 5 for only a couple hundred grand.I have done multi-million dollar an episode projects shooting multiple episodes a week for the run of the series in the 10/90 format.I have had to take a 7 epi single cam SVOD project and cross boarded it, shooting all the epis at once like a feature to reduce costs.Obviously all of the things mentioned above require excellent people, logistical, communication and adept financial management abilities from the tiny to the large, as well as a solid grasp of union regs, labor and safety laws.While each project has its own special needs, be it scripted, reality, feature length or a commercial, a few thousand dollars or several million a week the fundamentals of any project never change. There is an idea and we gather the resource’s needed to execute that vision and tell a narrative within the constraints dictated by the schedule and budget.I am a big believer of team building and collaborative management. It doesn't matter if it is union or nonunion, small budget or large. A crew will do virtually anything if they feel respected and invested in a project.This need for collaborative management and communication is even more important now in the age of COVID, social distancing and working remotely. Creating a sense of "team" is what keeps morale up and costs down.I have COVID 19 certs from Johns Hopkins Uni, World Health Organization, Health Education Services, Safe Sets International, OSHA & CSATF.Resume attached:John W MaderREFERENCES:
Kim & Eric Tannenbaum/ Executive Producers 2 1/2 Men, Last OG Tannenbaum Productions
Kerry Andrews VP Prod Finance NBC Universal
John Scherer Former VP of Prod PRODCO/Free Form
Chris Nappi Former Head of Prod Monami Productions
David Hartle Manager Physical Prod Original Comedy Netflix
Jason Cruse VP Prod Finance CBS Television Studios
Tom Pistohl VP of Production Marvel Television Studios.
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